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The Economist

<p>Knowledge is power. Wield it well.</p> <p> </p> <p>The Economist provides the insights, perspectives and guidance to help today’s students and graduates become tomorrow’s technologists, entrepreneurs and business leaders. Start your journey with The Economist and discover a richer perspective on the global trends impacting your future.</p>


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20% Off the subscription rate (print + digital)

<p style="text-align:start">With your ISIC/ITIC card, you can enjoy 20% off print + digital. Offer is available in monthly and annual subscription terms. With a combined print and digital subscription, you get the weekly print edition of The Economist, plus access to The Economist app and Economist.com, digital newsletters, audio editions and podcasts, the digital archive, and daily news on The Economist Espresso app.</p> <p style="text-align:start"> </p> <p style="text-align:start">Knowledge is power. Wield it well.</p> <p style="text-align:start"> </p> <p style="text-align:start">Use your ISIC/ITIC card to get up to a 20% discount!</p>

Bildung & Karriere Freizeit Medien

75% off annual digital subscriptions

<p style="text-align:start">With your ISIC/ITIC card, you can enjoy 75% off a Digital only subscription to The Economist. Offer is available in monthly and annual subscription terms. With a digital subscription, you can access The Economist app and Economist.com, digital newsletters, audio editions and podcasts, the digital archive, and daily news on The Economist Espresso app.</p> <p style="text-align:start"> </p> <p style="text-align:start">Use your ISIC/ITIC card to get up to a 75% discount on your subscription!</p>

Medien Bildung & Karriere

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